Sunday, September 15, 2024

Boys And Girls...


I was born way back in the "dark ages," circa 1960. Back when science had settled the question of, "How many sexes/genders are there?" It was determined by people with much larger brains than I had that God, in His infinite widom, had created men and women. "Men and women created He them." No one challenged the science. No one gave it a second thought. There were two and only two.

If there was any question whatsoever it was easily answered by the good folks over at Schwinn Bicycle company. They made a product that was fool proof in determining whether you were a boy or a girl. It was a unique little product called a "bike" and it was absolutely fool proof in the matter. A girl's bike had a low area in front of the seat, whereas a boy's bike had a steel bar about two inches under the seat that extended from the seat to the frame of the afore mentioned apparatus. This bar, in it's genious design, could instantly bring forth the answer of which sex a child was, simply by being where it was designed to be, when a child slipped off the seat and landed astraddle of it! If the child said nothing and had no reaction, the child was a girl. If, however, the child fell face first to the pavement, writhing in agony, with tears streaming from their orbital sockets, they were a boy! Thus life as we knew it strode merrily along toward current times, not knowing that some idiot would someday question the birds and the bees and which one was which! 

Today we have people who want to tell our children that there are hundreds of sexes/genders. They want little boys and girls to question which sex they are. I can not for the life of me understand where these people are coming from! These morons actually believe the nonsense they are teaching and want to teach it in our schools! I say we buy them a boy's bike and let nature take it's course!

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