Saturday, September 14, 2024

Never tackle a naked man...

It was an ordinary day working in the county jail. I was just finishing my paperwork on a project I had done for the Classification department. As I neared the book-in area I heard a bunch of commotion and figured some idiot was acting up. What happened next did not disappoint. 

The book-in area consisted of a caged room where the officers were stationed, two rubber padded cells for violent offenders, two observation rooms, and four holding cells. When I arrived in the area I observed several officers standing in front of an observation cell with an inmate who was clearly uninterested in being with them and what they had to say. Oh right...He was naked, or as we say in Texas..."Nekid". 

It was about this time he broke and way.

 I figured to sweep his legs out from under him when he reached my position. We then would tackle him and cuff him.  No problem, Right? Wrong. As I dropped to sweep his legs the guy decided it was time to drop me! He was hopped up on drugs so he didn't know his own strength. Well I found out about it! He hit me on the right side of my head full strength. I tell you folks, it was like I got hit with a Louisville Slugger! I went down hard. Later I was sent to the ER for concussion protocol. But back to our story...

Our naked friend continued down the main hall with nowhere to go and a short time left to get there. It was on this hall that two guards intercepted our hero and tackled him full force. By now I had come around a bit and I was hot! The Captain saw me head toward the scene on the hall and ordered a few other guards to keep me away from the guy. Like I said, I was hot! He had seen the guy clock me and decided to intervine and keep me from breaking my foot off in a most unfortunate place!

All's well that ends well, I suppose. Ol' "Naked And Afraid" was cuffed and stuffed back in his cell. He caught an additional charge of assault of a public servant and I got a couple hours pay for sitting in the emergency room. I made a vow that day to never tackle another naked inmate. Too many jokes at my expence and a major headache to show for my troubles. Im going to pretend they are horses and "Let 'em run!" 

Listen For His Voice