Thursday, September 19, 2024

Retirement. A real heart stopper

I decided that 15 plus years was long enough to deal with the dark side of humanity and made my decision to retire on March 2, 2020. The day finally arrived and excitement filled the air! The gang at the jail had put together a special lunch for me and we enjoyed a good time together around noon. By 1:15 I was out of my uniform and had all papers signed and turned in to the proper people. I decided to make my last trip through the secured area of the jail as my path to the parking lot. As I passed through the last set of doors I met an incoming officer with a new prisoner. I was not surprised by who it was. Let's call him "Mike." Mike was a frequent flyer and a mental patient. He also liked to fight. I had dealt with him for 15 years and had had my fill of him and his desire to mix it up with us officers. I just smiled and kept walking, knowing I didn't have to mess with him ever again. I heard he died a couple years after that.

Being retired was great! ...For a week. I am not cut out for sitting around doing nothing, even though that is what I am doing these days. After a week I went looking for a job and found one. I was going back into the auto sales business! I had done this for about ten years prior to joining the Sherrif's Depaartment so it was nothing new to me. However... In fifteen years the auto sales industry had changed dramatically. The dealership I joined didn't even use the tried and proven "Four Square" method! (IYKYK) They used some kinda mess I had never seen or heard of before! They were also heavy on the tech side of things when it came to the sales people. I hated that!

Then one night it happened. I was checking door locks to make sure the inventory was secure when a young man and his wife drove in. It was almost time to lock the gates and go home...of course. Lucky me! So I worked with the customer and we drove about six different trucks. I had his trade in appraised. We sat down and worked numbers like usual. He agreed to the payment and even signed beside the spot where I had written the figures. Time to go to the finance man and get signed up for that new truck! When the customer entered the finance office I took the opportunity to go put away all the trucks he had not chosen. Five minutes later I look up and see him driving off in his old truck. I went in to ask what happened and was met with a lot of anger. When I say "a lot" I mean A LOT! The finance guy, being the horses butt he was, flat lied to me. I then went to the manager's office where the rage continued. At that point let's just say, words were spoken, issues were discussed and the air got dark green!

I was accused of not doing my job. I accused them of being full of mule buscuits. Hey,,,If the finance man is too weak to get the job done that ain't my fault! I'm still not sure why they were mad at me. I was the one who just lost a $500 commission!

I left. Mad. VERY MAD! I drove the twenty minutes home and went straight to the bedroom and laid down. I didn't feel well and just wanted to relax. Thirty minutes later I walked to the living room where my wife was. She took one look at me and said, "Do I need to get you to the ER?" I mentioned that there were two days left until my insurance took effect so that was a no go. I sat down at my desk. Three minutes later she came back into the room and took another look at me. "Put your shoes on. We are going to the ER!",she said. I was not arguing this time. My chest and arm were hurting and I was a little nervous for obvious reasons!

We left and it was very quickly apparent to me that I might not make it the twenty miles to the ER. We detoured to the local fire station. No one was around that I could see, Fortunately the police station was next door and it just happened that two officers were there. It was after hours, so I knocked on the outter door. An officer i knew appeared and immediately said "You don't look good, man! I'm calling AMR!" AMR was the ambulance service and they were also twenty miles away. By this time the fire guys were running across the parking lot. A second officer had called them. They started taking vitals and the like. Turned out my blood pressure was 216 over 165. In case anyone is wondering, that isn't good at all!

The ambulance arrived and they also took my vitals. Same reading. By now I didn't know what to think. What I DID think was not helping. Off we went in a major rush toward The ER. The ride took a total of about ten minutes! We were flying. The AMR guy had given me a shot of some kind and I was feeling better. I mentioned to him that I felt normal now so this was probably an expensive wasted trip. That was when he rocked my world with a comment I was not expecting. "This is not a wasted trip Mr. Meeks. At some point tonight you have either HAD or you are NOW in the middle of a heart attack!" ...Say what, now???

I was admitted to the hospital after a couple hours in the ER. I should mention that this was the beginning of the whole Covid epidemic, so my wife was not allowed to come in or even see me from this point until the ordeal was over. I had also left my cell phone in my wife's car, so I had to communication with my family. The next morning I had a heart cathertization. Lots of damage. Great. Then the doctor said, "They'll be transferring you to Baylor Hospital later today. You will be having a triple bypass."

Holy cats. I never should have let those two at the dealership get me so mad. Too late now. Time passed and I had the proceedure and finally healed enough to go home. I called my best friend Keith to come get me and take me home. He lived just a little ways from the hospital.

I am now nearly five years past this event and unfortunately on disability. If I told you this thing screwed up life as I knew it it would be an understatement. No more working ever. Sounds good don't it?! It isn't. But I am alive and doing pretty good, so that works out. I enjoy most days. That works, too. I write this post to let people know that the old saying is true: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's ALL small stuff. Nothing is worth getting as upset as I was that night. Nothing. The two who caused it still have no idea I hold them responsible and likely have no clue they even played a part in my almost dying. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

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